Sunday, May 11, 2008

Running in a Marathon

I went out for my run today. I run the same route pretty much every day. This morning when I came over the pedestrian bridge into Springbank park I found myself running on a Marathon route. I joined the route at about the 34 km mark. Most of the traffic was going the other way and would have been at approximately the 27 km mark. The people looked tired. They had already come 27 km's and had another 15 to go. I was only 3 kms into my run and was full of energy. Even though I did not have a number pinned on my shirt, people just assumed that I was part of the race. I was not immediatley aware of this situation but as I continued along and people on the side lines were clapping to encourage me as I went by, and I figured it out.

I had no choice but to take advantage of the situation. My stride increased, I sprang along with an abundance of energy and strength. I did my best to put on a show. I am not completely sure what people thought. The one's coming in the opposite direction almost appeared dismayed at their lack of energy and endurance. Here they are slugging along in pain and I go bounding by like tigger, even though as far as they know I have already run 7 kms more that they have.

I ran through crowds of clapping people, gaining energy from their addoration and enthusiasm. Then just out of site I ran up the stairs at the Guy Lombardo Bridge and continued my normal route home.

A most enjoyable run.