Monday, March 23, 2009

Trees, not as friendly as they seem

  I am suspicious of trees. I run past them every day. 

  A couple of weelks ago I was running down the sidewalk and went underneath a tree. A branch grabbed the toque right off my head. By chance a pick up truck containing a couple of construction workers drove by at that exact moment. The passenger climbed half out the window to yell a huge "HA HA". It sound almost exactly like Nelson from The Simpsons. I waved him the peace sign and continued on my way. 

  Today I was out running again and had another encounter. I was running past a tree with a broken branch. It grabbed the sleeve of my shirt hard enough to rip it and bring me to a stop. I stood there looking at my ripped shirt and looking at the tree. The tree didn't care. It almost looked happy about what it had done.

I am starting to wonder if  they resent me running everywhere while they have to stand still.  I will definetly be keeping my eye on them in the future.

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